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Understanding the Basics of Period Hygiene: Why It Really Matters

Understanding the Basics of Period Hygiene: Why It Really Matters

As a fundamental aspect of women's health, period hygiene is something that often doesn't receive the attention it deserves. Many of us go through our monthly menstrual cycles without giving much thought to the importance of maintaining good hygiene during this time. In this blog, we will delve into the...

Remedies for dealing with bloating during periods

Remedies for dealing with bloating during periods

Ladies, we've all been there – that time of the month when our bodies decide to throw a bloating party. It's like our uterus is hosting a balloon animal workshop, and it's no fun at all. But fear not, because we've got some tried and tested remedies that will help...

Managing PMS Mood Swings: Practical Tips for Emotional Balance

Managing PMS Mood Swings: Practical Tips for Emotional Balance

Are you tired of feeling like an emotional rollercoaster in the days leading up to your period? You're not alone. Many women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a blend of physical and emotional symptoms that can vary from mild to severe. PMS can feel like an unwelcome guest, but you don't...

Managing Your Periods with PCOS: Tips to Keep Your Cycle in Check

Managing Your Periods with PCOS: Tips to Keep Your Cycle in Check

Are you struggling to manage your periods with PCOS? You're not alone. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects all women of reproductive age. It can cause irregular periods, excess hair growth, and weight gain. An irregular and unpredictable menstrual cycle is one of the most common and frustrating symptoms...

A Comprehensive Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking

A Comprehensive Guide to Menstrual Cycle Tracking

Do you know when your last menstrual cycle began or how long it lasted? If not, it might be time to start paying attention. Tracking your menstrual cycle can be incredibly helpful! It gives you useful information about your body's natural pattern. It can help you know when to expect...

Sleep and Menstrual Health: Optimising Rest for Balanced Hormones

Sleep and Menstrual Health: Optimising Rest for Balanced Hormones

Quality sleep is essential for more than just feeling rested, especially when it comes to maintaining healthy menstrual cycles. Sleep plays an important role in keeping your hormones in check, ensuring your body functions smoothly. Let's explore how sleep and menstrual health are closely connected, and learn how to optimize...

How Stress Can Affect Your Period?

How Stress Can Affect Your Period?

Hey there, Be Me women! Did you know that stress has a notable impact on various aspects of our health? One area that it can significantly influence is your menstrual cycle. The intricate balance of hormones that regulate your period can be disrupted by high stress levels. In this blog...

Managing Menstruation in the Workplace: Tips for Professional Women

Managing Menstruation in the Workplace: Tips for Professional Women

Juggling between daily tasks during your periods can be a strain but when you add work to that equation, it’s a whole different ball game! As a professional woman, juggling the demands of work and managing menstruation can be challenging. Menstruation should never hold you back from excelling in your...

Navigating Menstruation as a Teen: A Guide for Parents and Guardians

Navigating Menstruation as a Teen: A Guide for Parents and Guardians

As a parent or guardian, it's important to support and guide your teenage child through the journey of menstruation. Navigating this new phase can be overwhelming, both for teenagers as well as parents. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help parents and guardians understand and...

The Link Between Exercise and Menstrual Health

The Link Between Exercise and Menstrual Health

The Link Between Exercise and Menstrual Health As women, our bodies go through multiple natural cycles and menstruation is one of them. While periods can sometimes be uncomfortable, did you know that exercise can have a positive impact on your menstrual health? In this blog post, we will explore the...

5 must-know facts about vaginal odor!

5 must-know facts about vaginal odor!

Vaginal odor is a topic that often gets swept under the rug, but let's face it: vaginal odor is something that many of us deal with. It's estimated that over 75% of people with vaginas experience vaginal odor at some point in their lives. So, let's get real and talk...

Here’s what happens when you drink alcohol on periods.

Here’s what happens when you drink alcohol on periods.

When it comes to periods, it seems like there's a never-ending list of things to worry about. From cramps to potential leaks, some people may turn to alcohol to help them deal with the discomfort and the drama that comes with their monthly flow. But what happens when you drink...